Monday, September 3, 2012

Welcome to 北 Bay to 京!

Hi! I'm Gina, a twenty-something year old ABC girl. I was originally born in Beijing, grew up in the Bay Area, and now currently work in Beijing. Summarized: 北 to Bay to 京. Putting years of Chinese school to good use! For those of us who are visual learners and thanks to my three years of art class, I created this drawing to help demonstrate the transition:

**Not drawn to scale.**

This status also makes me a turtle of some sort (see: I'm also pretty awkward, so I find the term Awkward Turtle very befitting.

Anyway, hopefully this will be a good guide for anyone who's just moved to Beijing. More specifically, a good guide for anyone who moves to Beijing who happens to have the similar/same interests as me, or as a dear friend would like to say, "Gina*ists would enjoy this site."

* Insert last name here.

1 comment:

  1. i don't get why "This status also makes [you] a turtle of some sort."
